Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Game One - What I thought about when I wasn't sleeping

Suffice it to say that the path to recovery from insomnia is a difficult one. Currently I tend to sleep well for five to seven days before I have another sleepless night. There appear to be two kinds of sleepless night – the kind where you fall asleep and then wake – wide awake – and the kind where you just cannot fall asleep in the first place. Last night was of the latter variety.
            I have read all the self-help books and I know for sure that writing a blog about my sleeplessness is probably enough to perpetuate the problem as I will be reaffirming my insomniac behaviour rather than trying to think around it; indeed by discussing my sleeplessness I may well deny myself good quality sleep for months. That said, as I lay awake last night thinking of my current venture into writing and understanding (with a clarity never afforded to me during the working day) that I need to start a blog if I am to be successful I found myself in the curious position of not wanting to fall asleep for fear of forgetting anything.
            All the books on creativity tell me I should keep a pad and pencil by my bed for just such occasion. I, on the other hand, choose to repeat each valuable thought and sentence two to three times, all the while mulling over any new insights, in order to ensure that my creativity is not lost to the twilight hours.
            It doesn’t help me sleep.

            In desperation, having tried the plaiting wool and staring at blank canvasses techniques to no avail I devised a new mind-numbing game. I decided to write a sentence/passage where each new word started with the next letter of the alphabet. The first six words came surprisingly easily – and I liked them.
            Afterwards Barry could definitely enjoy food.
Now the trick here, if you are playing the game properly, is to prevent your mind from thinking of anything other than the next word and that word must begin with ‘g’ – are you getting the picture? Eventually I came up with:
Afterwards Barry could definitely enjoy food; good honest ingredients jostled kindly, lamenting most natural overtures peacefully. Quite relatively, Sandra took up violence with xylophones - youthful zealot.
I was pleased with my idea – it made (some) sense and I hadn’t got out of bed to make use of a dictionary.
Still, I was not asleep. Now I was thinking how to make this into an internet game – perhaps challenge people on my blog – are now there was an idea.


Claireybelle said...

On the plus side when insomnia kicks in my ironing pile does decrease rapidly. Touch wood I have been sleeping better lately, however I am a bit nervous about tonight as it may take me some time to play your game. Fitting x-ray zebra into a sensical phrase is going to take some time! Sleep well

Carolyn Cornthwaite said...

Indeed Claireybelle - this could be difficult for you. Please remember that there is a y between the two words though so you just need to find a link with a y? Maybe not so hard now I've helped you?

Claireybelle said...

So now I've got to fit in x-ray yo-yo zebra? Yeah that helps loads thanks. X

Anonymous said...

A baby cries daily. Eats food greedily. Has infinite joyous kisses. Loves mummy's noisey often quirky rhymes. Senses tickles! Ultimately.... vomits whenever (xmas!) you're zzzzz! Ok so the last line needs tweeking but I shall work on this if I wake in the night!

Carolyn Cornthwaite said...

Some hard work done there Rach - not sure about the Xmas bit though - think you really need a sleepless night so that you can work on that.

Carolyn Cornthwaite said...

Rachel - having read through your post again - I note that you appear to have missed out the letter 'p'? I think you have to lose marks for this - or sleep?

Claireybelle said...

She should definitely lose marks!!

Anonymous said...

To p or not to p that is the question! Pointless perhaps? :)

Daddy Robert said...

Thanks for the recipe.
I mixed potato with sweet potato, and mashed with basil (a lovely aroma)
Unfortunately I then discovered that the chicken breast was still in the freezer, so I adlibbed my way through the recipe, using king prawn rather than chicken breast.
...I'll try again tomorrow.
Had a chat with my teacher, and she says veal and ementhal are better, and that she rolls up the meat and covers it in beaten raw egg before spraying with breadcrumbs!