Yesterday we stopped at a bar on the banks of the Seine and, being right by the water I thought it was a good idea to order bulot (whelks). Now it wasn't a problem with my French that led me to do this, I have a great dictionary app so I never need to be confused. It was more a problem with my wildlife (or aquatic life) knowledge. I was picturing cockles or clams, something small and sweet (in that salty sea water way) but anyone with a better grasp of sea animals will know they're more like a snail. Their arrival however was not a disappointment, I like snails so I tucked in readily. It's the next bit where you need to take note. The whelk shell is rather like a Tardis inasmuch as you start to tug on the whelk (with your handy little needle thing they provide) and then this huge animal, huge springy animal, starts to emerge- in most cases the creature inside is twice the size of the shell. Still unphased I popped the morsel in my mouth to discover it was cold. That was the first surprise, followed shortly by the foot, which is crunchy. You then chew for a long time- no melting in your mouth like a nice warm marinated snail - before you finally manage to swallow the thing. Then, if you're polite - and brave (like me) you eat the other 13 (I gave one to Rob) and add it to your list of experiences.
Please note, I am blogging by iPhone so grammar, layout and spellings may get mixed up (it's not easy typing with two thumbs on a minuscule qwerty pad), I'll correct any errors on my return.
1 comment:
I have only one thing to say, Le McDonalds! It's easier nothing gets lost in translation. Have fun x x
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